Each product, provided by us, undergoes three stages:


Stage 1

Probably, the stage that is the hardest one to explain. An idea is born as a result of the whole complex of research, analytical, experimental actions and reflections.

The idea does not only contain a solution of a defined task, but combines all experience, scientific and research work and promising technologies with proposed conditions of creation and operation of the future solution. Only in this way such solution becomes individual.


Stage 2

Proved harmony by algebra. And then,
Then only did I dare, with all my lore,
Yield to the bliss of my creative fancy.

Aleksander Pushkin, «Mozart and Salieri»
Each idea, even the “brightest and greatest” one, is proven by us not only by algebra, but, also, by geometrics, physics, mechanics, dynamics and other necessary sciences. With this purpose a digital model of the product is made and tested in a digital environment, modeling real operating conditions of the future solution. Results are carefully analyzed, corrected if necessary, and further testing is conducted until the desired result has been achieved.


Stage 3

The most exciting stage where the result of long research and development finally occurs. In order to perform it we have created a powerful production facility which is flexible, effective and able to solve non-standard tasks. The production complex includes the whole product manufacturing cycle which makes it independent from related plants.